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No. Not at all. It is a wrong myth. Arnold Schwarzenegger started lifting weights when he was 14 yrs old. Do you think he is small?

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Q: If you lift weights when your 13 do you stay small?
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Is 13 years old a good time to lift weights?


Is it ok to lift weights at 13 years olds i am a 13yr old boy i am 5 foot 4 and i weigh 115 and i was wondering if it would stunt my growth if i starting to lift weights?

It actually is okay to lift weights at your age. I am a 14 year old girl and i bench press a bunch of weights and i have not stunted my growth. Guys are mad to lift weights I'm not suppose to lift weights but i am strong enough to do it. The answer to you is yes.

Will lifting weights before you are 13 make you short?

no only if u lift too much

Can i lift dumbbells if i am 5''6 and weigh 124lbs and 16yrs old if i can lift weights how much should i lift pls help me tanx?

What ever your age, you can lift dumbells. I lift 10kg per arm Comfortably and i am 13, have you tryed picking up weights yet? and if you have how much can you lift? Reply back please.

How much should a 13-year-old lift in weights?

I think they should eat a whole lot of eggs and a balanced diet

I'm Eleven and I'm quite tall and strong. I want to do weights but Im afraid I'll stop growing. Is it ok to lift weights when your eleven?

I'm 13 and I've been lifting heavy weights for a year and it hasn't stunted my growth so you will be fine

How a 13 year old gets buff?

Get a personal trainer if you wanna lift weights and all that you can also do pullups situps pushups and cardio too

What weights can a 115 pound 13-year-old safely lift?

There are many ranges of weight that a young person can lift while exercising. It is important to remember that one should check with their physician before beginning a new exercise routine. A good rule of thumb is to start weight lifting slowly, with small amounts of weights, increasing the weight a little at a time as your body gets adapted to the amount of weight that is being used.

What must be done to prevent obesity?

Simple. 1. exercise Run, Lift weights, play a game. BE ACTIVE 2. Eat Right. Go easy on the snacks 3. i lift 270 and im only 13

Im 13 years old i weigh 216 how can i lose weight without going to the hospital for straving myself?

Lift weights and eat less sugary foods.

I am wheelchair-bound and I weigh 50kg for a 13 year old is there anyway I can slim down?

I'm not sure of any excercises that a wheelchair-bound person can do, how about trying to lift weights?

Should 13 year old be lifting 25 pounds?

there are many different ways that you can lift something. i would need to know how you are lifting this weight. but, if you can lift it and it doesn't hurt then you should be fine. although it is said that you shouldn't be lifting weights until youre older, as it can affect your development.