

Best Answer

Yep haha nice dude I play same position and do the exact same thing as you

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Q: I squat 315 for my max and 240 for rep and i am 15 years old 5'9 146lbs and i bench 180 is this good for a freshman strong safety?
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How strong do you have to be to play strong safety?

You need to be able to bench press 200lbs

Safety precaution in bench work?

what are the safety precautions in bench working

Is a high school freshman max bench press going up 100 lbs in 5 weeks normal?

No, it is not normal for a high school freshman max bench press to go up 100 pounds in 5 weeks.

How adjustable is it?

For maximum comfort and safety, the bench is fully adjustible and customizable. Exercizers can adjust the seat and bench, as well as the safety spotters and weight crutches.

How much weight can an average freshman girl lift in bench press?

15% less than your weight if it's a girl.

How muchweight should a freshman lift?

i freshmen should bench around 100 to 135. the most is roughly around 135 to 280.

Is 5'9 153 lbs freshman high school QB bench 195 squat 240 and power clean 160 good?


Are afghans strong?

the average afghan man can bench 300, while the women and children can generally bench 100. so some would say theyre strong

How strong was Bruce Lee in bench pressing?


How strong is a precedent?

It could bench press morrisons

How much can a freshman bench press?

that all depends on your bady structure build and how often and how much you exersice but do not push yourself over your own limit... I would say for a guy 80-150lbs and girl 40-120 I agree somewhat with the above answer, but 120 for a freshman girl is ALOT. Any woman who can legitamately bench press that, regardless of her age, has my wicked respect. I know some guys who, as freshmen, could bench press 345 pounds, while weighing 240. But others I knew bench pressed only the bar, so i agree there is a wide range of capability. I would say that a very impressive bench press for a freshman male is 200 pounds and up. For a girl, 90 pounds and up is similiarly impressive. Boy, the above poster sure has some high expectations in the bench press..... >.<

How far should a freshmen throw shotput?

25-30, I'm a freshman and I'm around 30 every throw, and I bench 205