Too Much!!
15% less than your weight if it's a girl.
An average 3 ton mini excavator will lift approx 1400kg, almost half the weight of the machine as a general rule of thumb
More than you can that's for sure
Impossible to tell, since that will depend on the tone of his muscles.
A true spider can lift eight times its weight.
The weight that a mouse can lift will depend on its size. It is estimated that mice can lift things that twice their body weight.
The hoist machine can lift up to 1,000 pounds of weight.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as a child's weight can vary based on factors such as gender, height, and genetics. However, a rough estimate for a healthy weight range for a 7-year-old first grader could be between 40-60 pounds. It is best to consult with a pediatrician for personalized guidance regarding a child's weight.
Depending on many things a 38 year old woman could weight anything. But an average weight is maybe 150 lbs. about.
It would depend on the woman's strength, fitness level, and the weight of the man. In general, it may be challenging for a 70-year-old woman to lift and carry a full-grown man due to potential physical limitations and risks of injury.
It represents about 50% of a woman's weight.