I think I'm pretty average, however at 40 my bench pressing days were pretty much over. I was stupidly following what a couple of other guys were doing and caused considerable damage to my shoulders. we were lifting VERY heavy and maxing the bench twice a week. I was rapidly moving up for six months after starting by benching my body weight, soon I was at 315lbs. I acheived my top press at 405 when I was about maybe 35-37 yrs old. shortly after that I was experiencing pain in both shoulders severe enough to stop lifting all upper body. I'm currently only benching a little over my body weight (262) up to 285. take it slow, if your younger then 23, take it real slow wait until you reach your 'mature strength' which is after 23 in most guys. a blown out pect will cause you alot of pain, surgery, and at least a year of rehab.
you should be able to bench your own weight.
it matters how much you weigh and your build but i am 150lbs and bench 225 and i am almost 16
You should be able to atleast bench over 385.
Bob Sanders can bench 332-pound bench press
He has been known to bench press 405lbs.
your own weight, 185.
When Shaq was at his peak, he was known to bench press 455lbs.
Derek Fisher of the Lakers can bench press 400 lbs.
He can bench press around 800 pounds without a suit.
dr dre has been confirmed to be able to bench press 425 lbs.
he can bench press 225 Tiger woulds can bench press 190lbs.