You have to train your legs AND your core, by doing sit-ups, and going in the treadmill for indoors. Also you can run a mile and put a new twist each time you master your style of running the mile until it is really 7 minutes. Ex. Jog it, after mastery, sprint the last 100m or something like that.
7 minutes
Under 7 minutes, work with him. LT V-12
1 mile in 7 minutes
you don't, you run it in 6 minutes.
How many minutes per mile to run 26.2 miles in 3 hours and 10 minutes?It would take you about 7 and a half minutes per mile.
A 28 year old female should be able to run a mile in about 7 minutes. Therefore, a three mile run should take about 21 minutes.
The average mile time would be 7 minutes and 36 seconds if you run 5 miles in 38 minutes. This is calculated by dividing the total time by the total distance.
An average person can run one mile in 7 to 10 minutes, so take half of that time.
if you ran exactly 7 mph you would get to a mile at 8.571429 minutes, or 8 minutes, 34.285714 seconds.
Maintain a pace of 7 mph.
about: 6-7: 20 minutes 8-9: 16 minutes 10-12: 10 minutes 13-14: 8 minutes 15 and up: between 5-7 minutes if you are a runner
No not at all if you're running. I am 12 and I run a mile in 7:05.