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You have to train your legs AND your core, by doing sit-ups, and going in the treadmill for indoors. Also you can run a mile and put a new twist each time you master your style of running the mile until it is really 7 minutes. Ex. Jog it, after mastery, sprint the last 100m or something like that.

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14y ago
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15y ago

essentially one has to just run, and run, and run. a typical crosscountry practice involves five miles and weight room every other day and speedwork on the opposite days. so essentially cardio, lung space expansion, and muscle building. i only run a 21:30 : (

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12y ago

I train by going on runs every day In the morning and in the evening. Dong it in the evening is best, because you not only exercise, but tir yourself out and therefore you go to sleep a lot quicker and have enough rest to win the match!

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15y ago

you run time yourself on how much time it takes you to run one mile and then try to get a better time each time. Lifting weights squatting building muscle also helps.

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13y ago

run one lap then jog the rest

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