Practice practice practice. The more and longer you run, the better your 5k time will be.
I would say a good time for a woman to run just a mile cross country would be around 6 minutes. A good split for a three mile would be 7 minutes.-------------------------------------------- It depends what shape you are in. I am a teenager and it literally takes me only 4-6 minutes to run 1 whole mile. But I am in REALLY good shape for I have ran cross-country and track for 2 years.
Best runner in the world(currently): JFire with a time of 2:31 seconds in the mile Slowest: KBenk with a time of: hes still running his first mile
If your only running 1 mile then 5:27 is nothing special. But if your running a race, like in cross country its pretty insane. I'm 13 and run cross country for the wilde lake high school cross country team and have done a 5:47 first mile and a 6:03 second mile. Finished with a time of 18:48 because of running the last mile slow. It also depends if you're built for running. I gave up cross country due to the fact that no matter how long I trained I couldn't get down to a 6 minute mile.
well my daughter is in cross country and is 12 and her two mile time ig 559 so its pretty good
yeah it is....i got a 6:32 for the President's Physical Fitness Test this spring and I'm twelve too....just keep running and you'll improve your time. you sholud try cross country and/or track to keep in shape and maintain a good mile time. Hope this helps! that's a good time. when i was 12 i had a 5:01 mile. Of course this was after a seson of modified XC and track. IF anyone had a better time when they were 12 id like to know. :D
Improving your mile time takes lots of practice and perseverance. A 6:15 to 6:40 mile time is a good starting point, continue to practice on various tracks and you will surely improve.
a good time would be 30 minutes. so that means you would have to run every mile in 6 minutes. so 30 minutes is a decent time. 30+ would be an ok time. 35+ a normal time. 40+ a bad time.
In college cross country most races are 8k (or 5 miles). The winning time at the Ivy League championships last year was 23:28, or an average pace of 4:44 for 5 miles. I'd say the "average" time is anything under 25:00, or under 5:00/mile
The country which has the fastest mile times and long distance times is asmall country in Asia
Dominic Woodmansee is a cross-country athlete. He ran a new season best time of 17:39.43 in the Three Mile Run at Section 2, placing thirteenth.
well... that all depends on the amount of energy, the course, and the feeling of the runner at that specific time. i race cross country and the winner for my jr high school is at a 5:40 mile... good but not the best. so no there is no specific fastest cross country runner. For a 5k (3.1 miles), which is what high schoolers run the best time is 15:02. Evan Apple used to run at my school and he ran at a time of 15:10. He was 3rd in the nation. Craig Lutz is the fastest high school cross country runner in the nation.