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Eventually, yes. But tendons respond slower to training than muscles do so be careful to not overexert yourself.

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Q: Does weight lifting make tendons stronger?
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Does weight lifting make you smarter?

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What can make you stronger?

Lifting up weights.

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well all i can say in my apinion is that yes but only if you are working out with it like weight lifting or sit up and jogging this will help you become stronger and healthier

Do lifting weights make you stronger?

yes after week or so.

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Answeryou can make your bieceps stronger by pumping iron or just generally lifting things and hauling them around.

Does lifting weights make you stronger?

yes must of the time yes must of the time

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to counterbalance the weight of the water bucket and make for easier lifting

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Weight lifting will promote muscle growth, while not using up that many calories. It can certainly make you put on weight.

Can weight lifting during your growth spurt make you taller?

not necessarily

What are the benefits of a lifting weight at the chest?

There are many muscles in your chest area, therefore you can exercise them to make them bigger or more lean. The benefits of weight lifting at the chest is to make sure your chest is muscular and has less fat.