Your chest is stronger than your legs... it seems a little imbalanced. You may want to focus on legs a little more as your quads and hamstrings contain double the muscle mass of your chest (or at least they should).
P.S. At fifteen I was more interested in chasing girls not hanging out with dudes in the gym. They care not what you bench.
Bench: 430 for 5, Squats: 590 for 8, Deadlift: 780 for 1
Too much phobia at the most.
Arnold Schwarzenegger can squat a maximum of 440 pounds. He also can dead lift a whopping 710 pounds and press 375 pounds.
i am 15 at the moment and have been training since i was 12. i can now lift about 70kg but an average should be lifting about 25kg
There are basically two types. It depends upon whether weightlifting is considered as an end in itself or as a means to another end. 'Bodybuilders' use weightlifting as a means to another end. Their goal is to attain the most magnificent physique possible. They use weightlifting only as a means to that end. Bodybuilders, then, are not focused on how much weight they can lift for a single repetition. A bodybuilding contest is not an athletic competition; it is an aesthetic one. By way of contrast, some lifters simply want to lift as much weight as possible. Their goal is to lift as much weight as possible in a single repetition. They are usually called 'weightlifters.' Like boxers, in a competition they are divided up by weight class. The winner is the strongest participant in a weight class. There are two kinds of weightlifters. (1) The goal of power lifters is to have as high a total as possible in three lifts, namely, squat, deadlift, and bench press. A total is just the sum of a lifter's best single squat, best single deadlift, and best single bench press. (Power lifting competitions are almost never televised.) (2) The goal of Olympic lifters is to have the best single snatch and clean-and-jerk. (If you've ever watched a competition from the Olympics, you've seen Olympic lifters.)
He can deadlift 720 pounds, squat 695 and bench-press 475
Generally, 13 year old children should not be lifting weight. It has been known to halt or alter growth. However, that is not always the case. For those that wish to lift weights, 10-15lb weights are good.
great khali can sq 660 pounds en schoulderpress 350. ik think Jones sq en dl over 800 pounds en bench over 500
It is important when doing exercises such as deadlift or squat to always keep what is called a "neutral" back. This is when you arch your back. If you do this, you do not have to worry so much about bending your knees. Yes, the "experts" tell us to keep the torso straight up and bend the knees when lifting but the true secret is to keep a neutral back to avoid back injuries--it doesn't matter if you stay straight up or not as long as your back is arched back.
Depends... Can you throw a football? Can you kick? Its not always the strongest, fastest, or biggest guy is the best player but it sure does help. Im just guessing ... kicker, punter, or maybe a quarterback (chicks dig the QB) Good luck kid
To build a lean physique, most personal trainers argue that you need the deadlift in your routine; after all, if it built Arnold Schwarzenegger's physique, then it's worth doing, right? Truth be told most bodybuilders--and powerlifters--make this move as part of their arsenal to build thick, lean muscle, and although you won't look like a bodybuilder just from doing this exercise, it's one of the best exercises you can do to get fit.But, of course, there are right and wrong ways to do the deadlift. The problem here is if you do the deadlift, you aren't just risking a simple strain in your knees--you risk a painful and hard-to-heal back injury.So how can you tell if you're not deadlifting right?3 Ways to Tell if You're Deadlifting WrongIf you like to deadlift but aren't sure if you're doing it right, here are three signs that may allude to bad form:1. Your back is rounding. Rounding your back to the point it resembles a drawbridge is terrible form--and if you do it too much, you're on your way to back injury city, which can take several months to heal. Instead, your back should stay as straight as possible, and should continue to stay straight throughout the lift. Note that some people do have to round their backs while deadlifting if their hip is fused, but still, the rounding should be kept to a minimum at most to avoid acute injury.2. You treat the deadlift like a squat. If you think the deadlift is just a reverse squat, you're dead wrong--and probably not practicing correct form. The deadlift is nowhere similar to a squat and involves different mechanics in order to do it properly. For instance, your hips never drop or lower like a squat, and you need to squeeze your chest upward in order to ensure you're doing proper form. Never use the squat as guidance--the squatting method is only good for squatting!3. That lower back soreness isn't actually soreness; it's acute pain! If your back is screaming in pain--like the sort of pain that debilitates you--you're definitely doing something wrong with your deadlift! Done properly, deadlifts are completely safe and do not increase your risk for injury, so serious pain is almost always a sign of bad form. Unfortunately for you, back injuries take a long time to heal, so consider this a painful (and long) learning lesson.