It is important when doing exercises such as deadlift or squat to always keep what is called a "neutral" back. This is when you arch your back. If you do this, you do not have to worry so much about bending your knees. Yes, the "experts" tell us to keep the torso straight up and bend the knees when lifting but the true secret is to keep a neutral back to avoid back injuries--it doesn't matter if you stay straight up or not as long as your back is arched back.
Best not to. Your deadlift will most likely improve just from the squats making you stronger and you don't want to interfere with your squat progress. In any case, if you're doing smolov, you'll be in no state to deadlift after your squats. TRUST ME!
The best weight training exercises are squats, deadlifts, and their variations. Ensure that you are doing at least one kind of squat or deadlift at each (full body) workout. Then, if you want to do more for your upper legs, consider seated knee extensions, leg presses, leg curls. Of course, you could supplement back squats with hack squats or sissy squats, or just use front squats. For calf training, alternate (at different training sessions) doing standing or donkey calf raises with seated calf raises. Also, do not forget to work the muscles on the front of your shins using a D.A.R.D. machine or weighted toe raises.
Continue doing them it will pay off.
Doing squats burns calories at a rate of about 100 per 10 repetitions. This figure varies depending on how much you weigh.
Doing squats helps alot.
you don't you actually go to the gym and do the work. Stop looking for a miricale cure or you will always be fat.
Not very many
well you start out building your leg muscles by doing squats and jumping squats.... i started doing back flips on a trampoline than i started doing it off of stuff like walls and stuff that's like four feet of the ground
You could do a series of squats several times per day, gradually increasing the number of squats in each interval (say 10, then 15, then 20) and the frequency of each interval. Even if you regularly do squats, depending on your genetics, you may not ever get the size butt you want... but, squats will certainly help!
Doing non stop squats will only do one thing, cause you to be in so much pain that you won't be able to exercise for the rest of the week. You will not see a difference in your butt from doing non stop squats for a day.
When doing squats the most important thing to consider is to not overdo the exercise. Most people tend to overdo and thus hurting their body - especially when doing a diet. Some more great tips can be found at "Nerd Fitness".