Yes. too much can, the safest thing to do is to talk to a trainer and let them know your situation. you can do some weight training before it becomes a problem, Im not sure on the weight restriction but its best to err on the side of cautious. Over exercising of any kind can be dangerous, as if you run out of breath, it can cut oxygen circulation to the baby.
Weight training clothing costs so much merely because they can charge it. It is not necessary to wear special "weight training clothing" to train. One only needs comfortable clothing that is tight enough not to get tangled or hooked in gym equipment. There are no clothing stores specifically for weight training clothing.
You don't use lead in cooking measurements.
Unless you do circuit training, weight training has little direct affect on the heart rate. Weight training is anaerobic exercise. It is aerobic exercise like walking or running that has a direct affect on the heart rate because it strengthens the heart. Weight training does not.
On average, a standard pencil lead weighs about 0.2 grams. The weight can vary slightly depending on the type and size of the pencil lead.
Absolutely it is. Weight training is especially beneficial as women age and bone mass declines. Weight training strengthens the muscles surrounding the bones, thus strengthening the joints reducing the chance of osteoporosis. Also, if a women is trying to lose weight or maintain her current weight, weight training increases muscle mass which burns calories much faster than fat.
depends on how late the miscarriage is, and how much bleeding it causes. Early misscarriages usually don't cause much bleeding, so not much point in hospitalization. Late misscarriages can be rather messy and quite dangerous for the woman, so are more probable to lead to some hospitalization.
depends on diet and training.
if you mean by $, um about mabey $40. for a leash, training treats and training toys. but if you hire someone to train your dog no idea.
No it can not.
Thyroxine speeds up your metabolism.It can also lead to heart palpitations, anxiety, and even death if you get too much of it.I don't think you should take it for training unless a doctor has prescribed it.
For weight loss you're better off doing endurance training, and lots of it. Hours each week. If you look at the amount of calories used, interval vs sprint training is pretty much the same thing.
A pound of lead weighs the same as a pound of feathers. The weight is the same, but the volume of feathers will be much greater than that of lead.