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No, most can't.

few can. im sorry i cant remember the exact figure but an instructor told me that aroudn 1/20000 or 1/2000 (forgot how many 0's) actually can. so a massive majority cant

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  • No. Men who have low body fat profiles tend to make it closest to their body weight on the bench.
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Q: Can most men bench press their own weight?
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What percentage of men can benchpress twice their bodyweight?

Yes, with a little bit of determination and workouts you can bench double your weight, though that takes some time. Get into the gym. Remember, Sleep BIG, Eat BIG, LIFT BIG. Whoever answered above is absolutely right. Almost everyone has the potential to bench their bodyweight and i would reasonably guess that almost every motivated, disciplined male can bench press twice his bodyweight eventually. There are even some prime lifters who can bench press almost 3 TIMES their own bodyweight!

What is an above average bench press?

There are several factors. A persons body weight and age are a pretty good indicator. This is very general of course. To be a good bench presser its usually a matter of simple practice and technique. However if you can rep your own weight you are most likely above average. If you can max out at 100lbs past your weight thats also a good indicator your pretty strong. Ex: 175 body weight x 10 or 275 at one rep max.

What is the bench press record for men?

The current bench press record for men is 739.6 pounds (335.5 kg), set by Julius Maddox in 2020.

World record bench press for a 50 year old?

There is not much information here, but I am 50 and I have done a ton of searches simply asking what the indiana state bench press records are for old men like me.

How much should you bench-press if you weigh 153 pounds?

Most men who don't lift weights cannot bench their own bodyweight until they have trained for a while. If you weigh 95lbs and have never lifted before start with 60-80lbs for 8-12 repswhen that becomes easy, obviously add a bit more weight I weigh 145lbs and I can bench 190 (1 rep max) but I've trained for about 1 year

How much weight can some female celebrities bench press?

Cameron Diaz = 185lbs Jennifer Lopez= 165lbs Serena Williams = 225lbs Kelly Ripa = 155lbs

What is percent of men who can bench press double their body weight?

It is almost impossible to bench 2x your body weight. With proper diet and a lot of time at the gym you can reach about 1.8x your body weight with good genetics. Only about 10% of the population of men will do 1 1/2x there body weight and 1% will hit 2x there body weight. The less you weigh the better chance you have to achieve this goal. Supplements can help you achieve your goals but make sure you read the label. There are no short cuts to getting big and strong, only hard work!

How much can a person lift?

Here's what my high school football coach used as the benchmark for his players: Power clean: body weight Bench: 1.5x body weight Squat: 2x body weight Dead lift: 2.5x body weight Probably less than half of the guys could actually lift that much. I would say for a regular joe, if you can bench more than your weight and squat more than 1.5x your weight, you're not doing too bad.

What percentage of women can bench press 200 pounds?

I am 19 years old and I am pressing 220 lbs, but I am a man, I think the percent of woman that can press 200 is about 4 procent,.

What is the average bench press for a guy who weights 160 pounds?

How much a 140 lbs man is able to bench is dependent upon age, but at the peak of a man's strength, around 200lbs is an average-to-good bench. Stronger men who consistantly lift will increase this figure by about 50 lbs or more. 200% of a man's weight on bench is great (in this case, 280lbs.) Personally, I weigh 145 lbs and bench 260 lbs.

Why is it that weight training is just for men?

It isn't. But men are generally bigger, and can have a larger proportion of muscle mass, so they can get better at it. Men in general are more interested than women in becoming stronger. How much you can bench press is a more popular topic of discussion among men than among women. Weight training can also make you more muscular, more stocky, which is a more popular look for men than for women. But anybody can do weight training, and everybody can benefit from it. If you're worried about what body shape you'll end up with, this is easily controlled through the type of exercises you do and how you do them.

What percentage of us men can bench press 250 pounds?

Less than 1%. The average male that doesn't lift weights would be lucky to bench 140-150 lbs one time. 250 lbs is a serious bench press, even for the physically fit and regular exercisers. Dedication to the bench press, time, and proper diet is needed for this kind of lift, and even then most guys will not reach this weight on the bench...