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No. I would probably advise him to wait a couple of years and begin it when he is 15. It is nothing related to growth or something, just that when kids are 15, they are a bit more mature than what they are at 12. They know what safety is and they are grown up enough to take care of themselves to a certain extent.

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15y ago
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14y ago

If the 12 year girl is over wheight then yes she should.But in my perspective most 12 year old girls don't stop growing till the age around 13 so most of the things the girl eats goes to her height.But that still dos'nt mean she should'nt work out.

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14y ago

I would say no to a NEW gymnast because when you dont start when you are little, you dont have the strenth.

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13y ago

well actually you need to be 14 years old i was wondering about that too for me and i called and they said they accept 14 and up

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13y ago

Small weights. Anything large can really hurt the joints of a child whose bones and joints have not fully fused.

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13y ago

i am trying to find out if i can go to the gym with a 16 year old?!

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15y ago

Yes. There is almost no age that is too young to life weights because it is so beneficial. As long as you learn how to do it correctly, it is a good thing to do.

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13y ago

Twelve is a good age to start Ballet.

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Q: Can a 12 year old lift weights?
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Is a 12 year old allowed to do weights?

Yes they are.

How many pounds should a 12-year-old lift?

Because of the skeletal immaturity of a 12-year-old, it is not advisable that they train with weights. Regular sports to develop all-around fitness and co-ordination are recommended. Wait until around sixteen (or at least 15) to lift weights.

Is 8 stone the average weight for a 12-year-old?

Lots of 12 year ols have different weights. Different people weigh different weights. It depends on your height really. I agree I'm quite a tall 12 year old and I'm around average (8 stone)

Can you lift weights when your 12?

Yes, this is old enough. Lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. Just make sure you do it correctly, and get supervision at first.

My cousin would like to know is it safe to lift weights at the age of 12 twice a week?

It depends on how large the weights are....

12 years of age old enough to lift weights?

Yes, this is old enough. Lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. Just make sure you do it correctly, and get supervision at first.

How can a 12-year-old lose moobs?

It's all normal to have man boobs at any age. The way to get rid of those are to lift weights and exercise and after a while you shall be all cleared and flat on the chest.

What weight barbell should a 12-year-old boy lift?

His own body weight such as push-ups and pull ups, jumping squats and lunges hold off on acutal weights until he's a few years older.

Who is the strongest 14 year old boy?

The strongest 14 year old boy is currently in Australia, Queensland. His name is Ashley Dwyer-Talarek, born on June 27th, 1995. He lifts weights every day to keep fit and strong. Ashley got the inspiration by Arnold Schwarzenegger at 12 years of age and plans to lift weights for almost all of his life.

How much pounds can a 12 year old lift?

well it depends on ur height and weight like see im 12 and im 5'9 and weigh 166 pounds but i can chest press 290 pounds which is way above average. if u are my height and weight u should actually bench 100 pounds and curl 40

How many pounds can an 8 year old child lift in weights One arm standard curl?

Actually, an 8 year old should not be bench pressing any weight. This is very dangerous to young kids, as weightlifting could lead to an abnormality in their growth. For instance, the kid might be very short while he should have actually been on the taller side.It would be healthy to start bench pressing at ages 11-12.

Can a thirteen year old lift dumbells?

sure, it makes you more strong and it funP.S. i am 12 and i lift 4 pound dumbells so you ca lift 5 pounds (: ,:p