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well....ummm..... here are SOME. Sorry if you think I copied you, but quotes get around fast...

  • If you're not making dust, you're eating it.
  • 3 barrels+ 2 hearts= one passion
  • Turn and burn!
  • My barrel horse is faster than you're honor student!
  • You wish you could ride like a BARREL racer
  • It's a speed thing. You wouldn't understand
  • I love Jesus,(sorry to some) my horse, and now it's between you and the dog...the dog won
  • Hope you love dust, cause when I come through that gate, that's all your gonna see!
  • If it's not a barrel horse, its just not a horse....
  • Got speed?
  • You must be fast, cause I was haulin a$$ (sorry about that word) when I beat your time!
  • Barrel Racing: Its all about the Attitude
  • The clock has no friends
  • Barrel racing, Life in the fast lane!!
  • Life is not measured by the breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away(i didnt make that. some one did)
  • To ride or not to ride... what a stupid question
  • My husband (i don't have one) said if i spend one more weekend at a horseshow, he'll leave me. Darn, I'll miss him
  • Horses are angles without wings
  • You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink, is a old saying that isn't exactly true, because any one whos been around horses know that if a horse didnt want to go to water, he/she wouldn't
  • (okay, this is a really good one not really about barrel racing, but i want you to see it) Throw your heart over the fence and your horse will follow
  • (not a quote) all in all, don't restrain your horse from running, or your horse will lock you out. Horses are one of the best animals ever to be a companion. They'll let you in their heart, and find their way into your soul. History was almost written by horses.
  • Every minute in the saddle is never wasted.
  • Every time i ride, my heart is no longer in my chest but between my knees.
  • If you ain't making the dust, you're EATING it
  • Dontcha wish your girlfriend could ride like me?!
  • With 3 barrels, a fast horse, and a winning time, WHO NEEDS A COWBOY?!
  • Barrel racing isn't my whole makes my life whole
  • Can chaser

Life isn't about the path you take, but who you take along. Take a horse.

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Related questions

What is the hardest thing about barrel racing?

The hardest thing about barrel racing is the ground.

If a barrel gets knocked over in barrel racing how much time is added?

In barrel racing 5 seconds is added for each nocked over barrel but in some contests if a barrel is nocked over its a dq and if u nock over all three its a dq

Is barrel racing an profession?

Absolutely! I want this to be my career along with being a horse trainer.

Is math involved in barrel racing?

The only way math could be involved in barrel racing is if you look at it using physics.

What is the name of some famous barrel racing horses?

scamper dash for cash

Why is a mustang not best for barrel racing?

They do not have strong hind-quarters and a horse for barrel racing needs them to be able to do fast turns.

Who created barrel racing?


How do you organize a barrel racing compition on

go to your EC's indoor arena page and click create a barrel racing competition.

Best horse for barrel racing?

There are many horses that do very well in barrel racing. many people use quarter horses or paints, i have also seen many appys. I personaly have done barrel racing with a pinto and a mustang and both did very well. you just need a horse that is fast and can turn fast.

What is the difference between square barrel racing saddle pads and round barrel racing saddle pads?

One is round, and one is square.

Who founded barrel racing?

Barrel racing got its start with the Women's Professional Rodeo Association in 1948, in Texas. The course was originally a figure-eight pattern, but was replaced with the more difficult clover leaf pattern.

What sport is barrel racing?

It is a horse race.