Steroids artificially enhance the athlete's ability, giving him an unfair advantage over the other competitors.
I do not think heroin can enhance athletic ability. It makes you sleepy and slow.
I think the most useful characteristics in sports are Teamwork and Sportmanship without other people helping you dont stand a chance if you use these things you will allmost be the captain.
I have been drinking sports beverages to enhance my workout skills. Good?😃
You do have the ability to play sports. YOU CAN DO IT.
Yes. That is true. But the vise verse is also true. Your ability to play sports depends on your physical fitness.
The meaning of refining sports is incorporating advanced technology in sports activities to boost the natural ability.
No- then it wouldn't be athletic ability
Because I studied, I will have the ABILITY to pass my test tomorrow. Professional sports players are known for their athletic ability.