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Steroids artificially enhance the athlete's ability, giving him an unfair advantage over the other competitors.

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Q: Why is steroid-use illegal in sports?
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Is taking sports supplements illegal?

If participating in a sporting team, it is generally not considered fair to take sports supplements. This can cause an unfair advantage to the team, and may result as an illegal activity. But not all forms of sports supplements are illegal.

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Sports cars that have not met the NHTSA & EPA standards and are not legal to sell in the U.S.

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It is illegal to use testosterone in any sports , as it falls under doping.

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Any sports car that is not legal to sell in the U.S. is not legal in New York.

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Some drugs are illegal in sports because they make you stronger, faster, or more agressive. This is seen as cheating. Some drugs are illegal normally because they're bad for you. Then again, all drugs taken in excess are bad for you.

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it's unfair to those who don't use illegal drugs, like tom jones.

Is illegal?

No of course it is not. They keep it alive just for the popularity of sports.

Is javelin illegal?

Javelin is a sport that quite a number of people love. It is one of the sports that take place in the Olympics and is therefore not illegal.

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It is illegal. I'm not going to give the answer.

Are steroids illegal in NFL?

yes they just havent gotten caught as much

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It depends on what sport you're talking about.