for men it is about 5:30 minutes - 7:00
for women its 6:30 - 8:00
the average time to run the mile in middle school is 9.58
A human can reach speeds up to 180mph over the mile whilst free falling through space If a human were to run a mile in four minutes, that would average out to 15 MPH.
about 2 min
An average person can run one mile in 7 to 10 minutes, so take half of that time.
The average time for a mile is about 8 minutes, for runners its 6 minutes, so a sub six minute mile is good for a runner and a sub seven for nonrunners.
6 mins or less for 1 mile.
The average high school cross country runner should be able to do it in 18 to 21 minutes
One hour
from 2 and half minutes to 3 minutes.
whoever wrote between 5-6 minutes doesnt run-this time would be for a good not average teenage boy
The average time for 2 mile run is from 13 to 15 minutes. Hope this helped, from PvtNinja.