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Q: Is it possible to run a mile in 2 minutes?
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Is it possible to run 2 miles in about 3 minutes?

not really because it takes the average person to run one mile in 6 minutes

What is the average time for a half mile run?

from 2 and half minutes to 3 minutes.

How fast do you have to run to complete a mile in 3minutes and 40 seconds?

You have to run at the speed of a mile per 3 2/3 minutes.

How many minutes per mile is 15k run in 1 hours 20 minutes?

80Mins/ 9.32056788Miles=8.58 So Around 8 and a half minutes per Mile 8 1/2 Minutes Per Mile

If you run 6 miles in 20 minutes how long does it take you to run 1 mile?

If you run 6 miles in 20 minutes, then you run 1/6th the mileage (1 mile) in 1/6th the time (1/6 x 20/1) 20/6 = 3 2/6 minutes = 3 1/3 minutes = 3 minutes 20 seconds 1 mile = 3 minutes 20 seconds

How fast children run a mile?

Average mile time for a 12 year old kid is 7 1/2 minutes but the record for a 12 year old is about 4 1/2 minutes

How fast would someone who can run a 4minute mile run a km in?

They would run 1 km in 2 minutes 29 seconds.

How far will you travel if you run for 10 minutes at 2 mph?

At 2 mph it will take you 60 mins to run 1 mile. Therefore after 10 mins running you will have covered (10/60) *2 = 0.33 of a mile.

How do you pace yourself for a tempo run?

To pace yourself for a tempo run, you need to gradually increase your speed and distance. You should start running 1/2 a mile within 12 minutes. From there, run 3/4 of a mile in 11 minutes, and so on.

Jim and Doug run a six mile race Doug finishes in 40 minutes and Jim runs at the rate of one mile per seven minutes How much longer did it take Jim than Doug?

2 minutes. JIM= 1 mile per 7 minutes. 6 mile race. 7 minutes times 6 miles = 42 minutes. Doug = 40 minutes. 42-40=2 Q.E.D.

How many mph do you have to run to complete a 2 mile run in 14 minutes?

Speed = distance/time. Convert 14 minutes to hours first: (14 min)/(60 min/hr) = 0.2333... hours. (2 mile)/(0.2333 hr) = 8.571 miles per hour.

What routine of exercises or drills can be practiced in order to run a mile under 6 minutes?

Well- you should run 2 miles a day.