5 months and a half
don't sail, fly
The distance from London, UK to Perth, Australia is 7,823 nautical miles. if your boat sails at 20 mph, it would take 16 (24 hour) days 7 hours and 12 minutes to get there. At 30 mph, it would take 10 days 20 hours and 36 minutes. At 40 mph, it would take 8 days 3 hours and 18 minutes. Basically, the faster you sail, the less time your trip will take.
The distance from London, UK to Perth, Australia is 7,823 nautical miles. if your boat sails at 20 mph, it would take 16 (24 hour) days 7 hours and 12 minutes to get there. At 30 mph, it would take 10 days 20 hours and 36 minutes. At 40 mph, it would take 8 days 3 hours and 18 minutes. Basically, the faster you sail, the less time your trip will take.
The distance around the mainland UK is 11072 miles. Working from the beginning - We can assume that we make a speed of 10 miles an hour on average. That would mean 1107 hrs, which is about 45 days or 1 and a half months.
it would take about 1,000 miles
Around a fortnight depending on the vessel.
around 8 hours
3 weeks????
10 hours
You can't drive to Australia from the UK. It's an island.
A flight from the UK to Columbia would take about 11 hours.