The distance from London, UK to Perth, Australia is 7,823 nautical miles. if your boat sails at 20 mph, it would take 16 (24 hour) days 7 hours and 12 minutes to get there. At 30 mph, it would take 10 days 20 hours and 36 minutes. At 40 mph, it would take 8 days 3 hours and 18 minutes. Basically, the faster you sail, the less time your trip will take.
how long
5 months and a half
You can't drive to Australia from the UK. It's an island.
2 years
1 week min
The distance from London, UK to Perth, Australia is 7,823 nautical miles. if your boat sails at 20 mph, it would take 16 (24 hour) days 7 hours and 12 minutes to get there. At 30 mph, it would take 10 days 20 hours and 36 minutes. At 40 mph, it would take 8 days 3 hours and 18 minutes. Basically, the faster you sail, the less time your trip will take.
40 days approx
2 weeks
About 3 weeks I think
5 to 7 days
don't sail, fly
I think it's about 3 months.