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Q: How long to sail from south Korea to UK?
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How long do Royal Mail International Signed for items take from UK to South Korea?

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How much aid does UK give to Korea?

There is no such country as "Korea".There are North Korea and South Korea.North Korea -Recently due to the flooding in North Korea (in 2012), the UK sent emergency food and medical supplies to those caught in the flooding.North Korea is actually hostile to the UK and is one of the UK's most dangerous enemies. The UK would have preferred to not aid North Korea at all, but it has not choice because, as a member of NATO, the UK pledges to support disaster victims globally.South Korea -South Korea are one of the UK's closest allies. The UK aids the South Koreans by trading weapons, ammunition and military vehicles to so South Korea can defend themselves against the hostile North Korea.South Korea and the UK also exchange intelligence on North Korea for the security of both their countries.

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UK, Turkey, Australia, South Korea had the most troops

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don't sail, fly

Will you get jetlag traveling from South Korea to the UK?

Of course. The are many time zones in between, although it will not be as severe as if you were travelling from the U.K to South Korea.

How does South Korea compare with the UK in size?

United Kingdom (242,900 km²) is 2.44 times as big as South Korea (99,678 km²).

How long to sail from Pakistan to UK?

Around a fortnight depending on the vessel.

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5 months and a half

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Cheon gun - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:NC-16 South Korea:15 South Korea:15 UK:15

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United States, Briton, France and Canada

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Canada, Mexico, Australia, the UK, South Korea, Japan, and France,

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