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Year 1992, there are two WBC Heavyweight champions that year. Evander Holyfield and Riddick Bowe.

Holyfield won the title from James Buster Douglas in 1990. Riddick Bowe won the title from Evander Holyfield in Nov 11, 1992.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

If you need a list of significant names, that is the champs that mattered;

1) Jack Dempsey; his reign as champ marked the start of modern Boxing.

2) Gene Tunney, Dempsey's tormentor, who showed the sports world the value of science when applied to sports. As Louis Gosset Jr. said in the documentary "Kings Of The Ring," "science and conditioning prevailed over brute force."

3) Max Baer; skillwise he was decent when he actually trained seriously, but no one special. What makes him significant is that he drew crowds primarily from being more an entertainer than a Boxer, in that way Baer was a "pioneer."

4) Joe Louis; although Robinson is considered the best pound for pound Boxer of all time, he used too much of his own flare in the ring to be considered technically perfect. That is, Robinson had power, precision and speed, but he used largely a Boxing style unique to him. Louis by contrast was more a "by the book" Boxer who knocked his opponents out by, well, literally throwing the Boxing textbook at them. If there was a flaw in an opponent's techniques or fundamentals, Louis would expose them. He is a significant champ because he held on to the heavyweight title longer than any man, in a time period when Boxing had a monstrous talent pool, and men in general where tougher physically and mentally. True enough, today's world has more big guys than back then owing to better nutrition and sheer numbers, but that isn't to say there weren't big dudes at all in olden times. If you pay careful attention you will observe that some men in their 80's and 90's, are pretty big men, why there are big guys now had to come from somewhere genetically. The reason you did not see hulking monsters in olden times is because they just didn't make it; a big man can indeed bring the pain, however if a smaller man is skilled enough, like for example Joe Louis, and alongside said skill said man is strong for his size and can hit really hard, then "size doesn't matter." Louis and Dempsey are considered hard hitters, because their punching power toppled men much bigger than themselves, and it compensated for size difference. If you need "boxing lessons" on how to "do it right," Joe Louis fights are the footage to watch, like I said, Louis was a very "by the book" Boxer, textbook expertise. It had a lot to do with the man's deep humility; Joe Louis was so humble, he Boxed the way he was taught to Box, he did not put in any of his own personality or beliefs into the way he fought. His method may have been boring, it may not have been the most entertaining, but if Boxing is to have a "model fighter" in terms of technique, and textbook perfection, it would be Joe Louis.

5) Rocky Marciano, the only boxing champion to retire undefeated and stay retired. He's significant because he exposed some of Boxing's weaknesses, and his very pressence in the ring nearly spat on a lot of Boxing assumptions. The rules of Boxing fundamentals say that you restrain yourself, don't throw carelessly, and lead with the jab. Simply put, the little hits set up the big hits. Marciano charged in there with haymakers, never mind how much he exposed himself. See, while his opponents were busy thinking, Marciano was fighting; said flaw in Boxing's game still hasn't been addressed. Boxing assumes that if a man is fearless, he will get knocked out. See, Marciano's boxing reccord, kind of violates that assumption a little, its part of the reason he has detractors; the thinking is "he only got away with walking into a lot of shots because his opponents were inferior." During the first half of his career yeah, its true, they were; but later in his career though Marciano was thrown in with a bunch of killers, and he even managed to topple an aging but still dangerous Ezzard Charles who prior to fighting Marciano had killed a man in the ring. Boxing is not a perfect method of fighting, even taken to extreme skills; when Marciano stepped into the ring, because of his raw power and iron jaw relative to the man's size, Boxing theory went straight out the window, a lot of hardcore Boxing fans recent Marciano for that, and consider him inferior. They insist that Boxing theory isn't wrong, more that Marciano fought a bunch of "losers."

6) Sonny Liston, who ushered in an era of "the big heavyweights." I don't mention Patterson because he was more an interim champion, and the reason Boxing fans think that "old timer" Boxers would get killed in the modern ring, is because of the way Liston destroyed Patterson. See, Patterson represented Boxing as it existed from the 50's back to Dempsey, while Liston represented "the new Boxing," the "new" heavyweight division, namely, champs that were bigger, stronger, and faster. Largely because of the way Liston destroyed Patterson, that is the reason it is believed the old timers could not hang in the modern ring, hence this champion's significance. Skillwise he may have been barely more special than Patterson, but Liston is significant in that from his short reign onward, Boxing wasn't the same, at least not the heavyweight division.

7) Muhamad Ali, and, I think the name speaks for itself.

8) Mike Tyson, who had the misfortune of taking the fall for the skill decline in the heavyweight division. The truth is, since the FBI cracked down on the mafia, the primary force behind the IBO (International Boxing Organization I think), Boxing had been on a downhill slide since the late 1960's, it seemed that every single year, Boxers just became less and less skilled. The generally accepted belief is that the heavyweight division peaked in the 70's, but from there it underwent a sharp decline. Because of the ring persona he cultivated and a still controversial rape accusation, unfortunately, Tyson ended up taking the fall. The Boxing community needed somebody to blame for the decline in the sport, and they chose Tyson. Tyson has two distinctions, one respectable, the other dubious; the first is that he is the last major heavyweight to Box with what is considered TRUE Boxing skills, every champion since Tyson is a slop tacular embarassment to Boxing with horrible form. Mike Tyson is the last heavyweight to Box with near flawless, perfect form, champs since Tyson are largely sloppy clods. Their really bad form is part of the reason Tyson was able to Box into his "old age," and why Foreman was able to make a comeback. Foreman boxed in a time period when form mattered more, and more than respecting the era Foreman came from, Tyson actively ducked Foreman. The second distinction, is that if a face and name has to be given for the "man who ruined Boxing," unfortunately said name is Mike Tyson. There was a declining pool of talent because people just lost interest, many old time Boxing coaches were dying off, including the likes of D'Mato, basically, these were all forces beyond a single fighter's control. Its very similar how when the United States is the one who screws up, its always the president who takes the fall, even though he's only one man; with Tyson, they needed someone to blame.

I don't mention subsequent heavyweight champions because, well they blow; those eastern European heavies fight like robots, a prime Foreman would destroy them.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

IBF and linear champion ~ Larry Holmes, who was beaten in '85 by Michael spinks

WBC champion ~ mike weaver, who lost his title to trevor berbick in '85

WBA champ ~ greg page, who lost to tony tubbs in '85

i had to look this up, and i can't remember all the various 1980s titleholders in order anymore..

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Evander Holyfield was the WBC heavyweight boxing champion in 1991. Holyfield won the title on October 25, 1990 and kept it until November 13, 1992.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

WBA - Mike Weaver

WBC - Larry Holmes

IBF - non existent(only in 1984 was the IBF been established). Larry Holmes was the IBF inductee champion in 1984.

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