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The toughest as in being able to take abuse and keep standing?/ the toughest in being able to dish out punishment? George Foreman is one of the HARDEST champions in history as far as being able to dish out punishment. Rocky Marciano would fit the bill/ both sides of the coin. The Canadian "Hard Man" George Chuvalo was known as a boxer who could stand up to a tremendous amount of abuse and still come thru effectively. Only Frazier and Foreman ever stopped him in his career. Oscar Bonavena was known as a "Hard Man", himself, though, Psychologically he somewhat baffled the history buffs with counter standards (Ali, Frazier, Patterson. Boxing Historians well know what is meant here....). Go to the Discussion page - here. thanxs.

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Willie Pep, Bernard Hopkins and Floyd Mayweather Jr.

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Jack Johnson the 1st ever Black Heavyweight Champion

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