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The boxer with the record for the most knockouts ever is Archie Moore.

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Q: Who has the best ko record in boxing?
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38 wins, 13 losses with 27 KO's

What does the boxing term KO stand for?

In boxing, KO means Knock Out.

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37 wins, 20 losses, 1 draw with 26 KO's.

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He may have had a handful more, but the best available evidence suggests the Motown founder had 17 professional fights with a respectable record of 12-3-2 (5 wins by KO, no losses by KO)

When did George Foreman's KO Boxing happen?

George Foreman's KO Boxing happened in 1992.

When was George Foreman's KO Boxing created?

George Foreman's KO Boxing was created in 1992-09.

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Ali's boxing record is:Total fights : 61Wins: 56Wins by KO: 37Losses :5Draws : 0

How many boxing matches did Ali have?

as a pro, 61 (56 wins, 37 by ko, with 5 defeats, 1 by ko) his amatuer record reads 100 wins against 5 defeats.

What does KO Boxing stands for?

In boxing, KO stands for 'knockout.' A knockout is when a boxer loses by being unable to get up unassisted and continue fighting after a count of ten. His/Her opponent is then declared the winner.

What is Aaron Pryor's boxing record?

Aaron Pryor finished his boxing career with a 39-1 record.

What do the letters K.O stand for boxing?

In boxing, KO stands for 'knockout.' A knockout is when a boxer loses by being unable to get up unassisted and continue fighting after a count of ten. His/Her opponent is then declared the winner.