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The World Taekwondo Headquarters has only ever issued 6 official Kukkiwon 10th Dan. They were issued to the following men, all after death except for Dr. Sang Kee Paik and Dr. Un Yong Kim.

  1. Yong Ki Pae (aka Young Ki Pae) (Jidokwan). Grandmaster Yong was the first student of Sang Sup Chun, founder of the Jidokwan. The Jidokwan (or Ji Do Kwan) is one of the original nine schools taekwondo. It was founded in what is now South Korea at the end of World War II. Its name translates as school of wisdom. Master Yong had the earliest relation with Cho Sun Yun Moo Kwan (aka Chosun Yun Moo Kwan) one of the few schools of Judo permitted in Korea during the Japanese occupation. He started his first training from the Soo Song Dong period.
  2. Chong Soo Hong (Moo Duk Kwan),
  3. Il Sup Chun (Jidokwan),
  4. Nam Suk Lee (Chang Moo Kwan),
  5. Sang Kee Paik (1929-2009) - Master Paik began studying Martial Arts in 1945. He emmigrated to the United States in 1969. In 1971, Master Paik was a pathologist working in the psychology department of the University of Wisconsin. He introduced the creative form competition in the 1990 United States Taekwondo Union National Championships which he hosted at the Dane County Coliseum in Madison, Wisconsin.
  6. Un Yong Kim former president of the kukkiwon, the World Taekwondo Federation and the Korea Taekwondo Association. Master Kim is largely responsible for the constuction of the kukkiwon gymnasium in 1972.

Grand Master Lee Woon Kook, head of the Chung Do Kwan (gym of the Blue Wave) was the first Grand Master to achieve the 10th Degree Black Belt in

Tae Kwon-Do

Ki Whang Kim was promoted to 10th Dan in 1971 by the Korean Taekwondo Association before the Kukkiwon came together.

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8y ago
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15y ago

Nobody "wins" a Tenth Dan it is awarded for dedication to Judo that has taken a lifetime of training.

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9y ago

I'm sure lots but the Kodokan have only given it out 15 times in 100 yrs

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10y ago

Many karate masters are 10th Dan in karate. Some examples are Hidetaka Nishiyama, Hirokazu Kanazawa, Teruyuki Okazaki are some present day examples.

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Q: Who has a rank of tenth dan in Tae Kwon Do?
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How do you get a DVD on dan-gun?

Buy a Tae Kwon Do pattens DVD from a Tae Kwon Do instructorYou can also see most forms on the Internet (see YouTube).

What is the highest dan in Tae Kwon Do?

There are 10 dans or black belt levels in Taekwondo. There are a few people who hold the rank of 9th dan, but being promoted to 10th dan is nearly unheard of, at least in modern time.

In Tae Kwon Do what does form DAN-GUN mean?

Dan-Gun is named after the Holy Dan-Gun legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C

How can you prepare lesson plan for world Tae Kwon Do?

Tae Kwon Do Belts: White Yellow Orange Green Blue Dark Blue Brown Red Red I Red II Red III Black (1st Dan) 2nd Dan Black 3rd Dan Black 4th Dan Black 5th Dan Black 6th Dan Black 7th Dan Black 8th Dan Black 9th Dan Black

How do you apply to be a master in tae kwon do?

You are usually called a Master when you reach 5th Dan - that's black belt with 5 stripes.

Is tae kwon do hyung or kata?

Tae Kwon Do is the art of hand and foot fighting. The original empty hand pattens created by gen. Choi were templated from Shotokan Karate. The Gen was a 2nd Dan in Shotokan upon his return to Korea. So the term Hyung is the appropriate reference for the original patterns. The Shotokan Kata,s were also included as part of the original 2nd to 4th Dan requirements for Tae Kwon Do in its infancy. This information can be found in the first publication by Gen. Choi.

What dan is Hwaorang in Tae Kwon Do?

Hwa-Rang pattern is not associated with a Dan. It is usually associated with 1st Gup.For example, in my school, it is usually around high-brown to red belt for testing.

Where on the Internet can you find out which Tae Kwon Do belts you earned?

The only places on the Internet with this information would be the Kukkiwon website for checking Kukkiwon registered Dan or Poom rank, or if your instructor or organization has a website of their own, then they might have records such as this available online. If your Black Belt Dan rank was certified by the Kukkiwon, you can look it up on the internet, or contact them for a copy of your certificate. If you are returning to training after a lengthy absence, then your taekwondo instructor can evaluate your skills, and make an appropriate rank assignment.

What is the difference between poom and dan grade in Tae Kwon Do?

The difference between a poom grade and a dan grade is not skill but age. Eastern philosophy places a great deal of importance and value on the experience of age. A second degree poom and a second degree dan may posses the same skills, but the dan is an adult and the poom is a child, and that makes a difference and that difference is emphasized in their rank. Poom ranks can be converted to dan ranks when the person is past 15 years of age.

Who has a rank of tenth dan in Tae Kwon Do and is still living?

In Songahm Taekwondo of the ATA there is no 10th dan (im assuming dan means degree) it only goes up to ninth. The only person that would have a 9th Degree black belt is the current grand master and the previous grand masters (H.U.Lee a.k.a the Late Enternal Grand Master, who died in 2000 because of canser, and S.H.Lee ,one of the brothers of H.U.Lee.). Most Korean martial arts clans follow by the rule of one 9th degree peer clan. (Clan and organisation are the same thing mainly.) If you say what organization your talking about it will help for a better answer.

How long does it take to get a 2nd degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do?

48 years - tenth dan is rarely awarded. Ninth dan is traditionally considered the highest rank. The number nine carries significance. Tenth dan is usually only awarded posthumously to ninth dans who have demonstrated life-long dedication to the art. However, if you earn your first danin three years, you must remain at first dan for one year before you can test for second dan. You must remain at second dan for two years before you can test for third dan. You must remain at third dan for three years before you test for fourth dan, and so on (3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 48), so it is conceivable that you could ear a tenth dan in 48 years.One interesting exception to the waiting periods between dan promotions is the winning of world championship or an Olympic medal. Champions and medalists are often promoted one rank in recognition of their extraordinary accomplishments.

What is a 15 year old student of Tae Kwon Do with a 2nd poom called?

According to the Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, Korea), 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pum holders, being 15 years of age or above, is the same grade of Dan holder, However, a 15 year old student with a 2nd pum (poom) is called a 2nd pum. They must transfer their rank to 2nd dan in order to be called that. Depending on the association, children under a certain age are not allowed to be recognized with the adult rank of "dan" (Degree of the Black Belt). According to the requirements of the Kukkiwon, a student under the age of 15 may test for 1st through 3rd pum (Junior Black Belt). Once the student reaches the age of 15, they may pay to have their rank transferred to an adult "dan" rank, or continue to test for pum levels until the age of 18. Ordinarily, a student must be 16 before testing for a 2nd Dan, however a 2nd pum may transfer to 2nd Dan at the age of 15. However, if they have not yet transferred their rank, then they are still called a 2nd pum, regardless of their age. The required age for 3rd Dan is 18, however a 15 year old 3rd pum may transfer their rank to 3rd Dan. The student must be 18 before they can test for 4th pum, if three years have passed since they became 3rd pum. At that time, they may transfer their 4th pum to 4th Dan at the age of 18.