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Dan-Gun is named after the Holy Dan-Gun legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C

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Q: In Tae Kwon Do what does form DAN-GUN mean?
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What does tae kwon do literally mean?

The name Tae Kwon Do, means - tae - "to stomp, trample", kwon -"fist" -, and do - "way, discipline"

What does BC mean in Tae Kwon Do?

Before Christ.

When was Action Tae Kwon Do created?

Action Tae Kwon Do was created in 1972.

When was Kwon Tae-Man born?

Kwon Tae-Man was born in 1941.

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Tae kwon do originates from Korea.

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When was Ha Tae-kwon born?

Ha Tae-kwon was born in 1975.

What is TKD stand for in Tae Kwon Do?

TKD stands for Tae Kwon Do. T stands for Tae (kick). K stands for Kwon (punch). D stands for Do (way).

When did Lauren Burns start Tae Kwon Do?

she started Tae Kwon Do when she was 6 because of her brother

When was Kwon Sun-Tae born?

Kwon Sun-Tae was born on 1984-09-11.

How do you write '' im in Tae Kwon Do'' in Korean?

나 태권도에 있어 ( nah tae-kwon-do eh itsuh

Is tae kwon do for girls?

Yes. Tae Kwon Do is popular for both girls and boys in South Korea and in the US.