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48 years - tenth dan is rarely awarded. Ninth dan is traditionally considered the highest rank. The number nine carries significance. Tenth dan is usually only awarded posthumously to ninth dans who have demonstrated life-long dedication to the art. However, if you earn your first danin three years, you must remain at first dan for one year before you can test for second dan. You must remain at second dan for two years before you can test for third dan. You must remain at third dan for three years before you test for fourth dan, and so on (3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 48), so it is conceivable that you could ear a tenth dan in 48 years.

One interesting exception to the waiting periods between dan promotions is the winning of world championship or an Olympic medal. Champions and medalists are often promoted one rank in recognition of their extraordinary accomplishments.

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11y ago

Short answer: five years. Long answer: it takes as long as it takes. Not all schools advance the same way, and not all students advance the same way, but generally speaking, it takes three years to get your first black belt, and it takes an additional two years of study to prepare for your second degree black belt, so five years all together.

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13y ago

from white belt to black and if you odnt fail any tests then about 20 years. you need to be at least 1st don

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