ti qundo
That depends on what you want to do with it. Do is a suffix that talks about the way or the art of the sword. Jutsu is a suffix that indicates the fighting and killing of the opponent.
Its called Kendo. You use a Kendo stick made of bamboo and other material.
In the Japanese sword fighting we got the Iaido, Kendo and kenjutsu. we also have the old style fencing still practiced as a sport now a days. There is still a lot of swordmanship practiced these days.
Karate is not really a sport. It is a martial art. As such it should be focused on learning the art and the ability to defend one's self. There are branches that make it a sport and concentrate on competition.
Nope, that's kendo.
They both originate from Japan but,Kendo = (i) Sport. (ii) There is CONTACT between players. (iii) Played with a shinai (bamboo sword)Kenjutsu = (i) Cultural art. (ii) NO CONTACT between players (or else they will cut the other person) .(iii) Demonstrated with a katana (metal sword)Hope this is helpful!
Kendo roots lie in mediaeval Japanese fencing (called kenjutsu). As the sword was considered the symbol of the samurai class, kenjutsu tradition was a major cultural aspect of Japan. When the Meiji Revolution took place, teaching arts of war became illegal and martial arts had to turn to a more philosophical approach. This transformation changed the martial arts from "jutsu" (術; technique, art) to "do" (道; way) and became official in 1895. Kendo, as known today, is a standardized form of kenjutsu with focus in the phylosophical aspect of swordmanship instead of focusing on defeating enemies.
Sumo; a type of wrestling and Kendo; a form of training for Sword fighting. In ancient times Kendo was the basic samurai training. It has developed into a sport now; although swords are not used a bamboo shinai (which represents the sword) is used.
The art of wielding a katana, that is, a Japanese sword, is referred to in Japanese as kenjutsu-- swordplay. That word isn't commonly used anymore, though. What you can do is take kendo classes. Kendo is the Japanese equivalent of European fencing, more like fencing with a saber than with a foil or epee, in that in kendo, one can thrust as well as slash. There are lots of kendo dojos all over the U.S. and the world, so you can google one (or use WikiAnswers to find one?)
A little bit. Kendo is believed to have somewhat influenced modern-day fencing. However, most of fencing simply came from sword fighting that evolved into a sport.