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A little bit. Kendo is believed to have somewhat influenced modern-day Fencing. However, most of fencing simply came from sword fighting that evolved into a sport.

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In a dojo.

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What sport is a sword used is?

The Japanese use a bamboo sword in a sport called "kendo".

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Kendou, having been adopted into English (Kendo), refers to the sport of swordsmanship. However, looking at the kanji individually, it can be translated as "way of the sword."

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Kendo is generally considered to be safe due to the safety precautions taken. It's safe if practised with the proper precautions and proper care.

What sport spawned from the traditional Kendo style of fighting?

A kendo style of fighting helped to spawn judo and karate and is considered a main component to their defensive stances in combat and in offensive moves against opponents.

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Karate is not really a sport. It is a martial art. As such it should be focused on learning the art and the ability to defend one's self. There are branches that make it a sport and concentrate on competition.

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What is the 2 traditional sports in Japan?

Sumo; a type of wrestling and Kendo; a form of training for Sword fighting. In ancient times Kendo was the basic samurai training. It has developed into a sport now; although swords are not used a bamboo shinai (which represents the sword) is used.

When did Kendo Rage happen?

Kendo Rage happened in 1993.