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This attire is usually selected and purchased by the WWE Dressing Room. So it is unknown where these are purchased from.

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Q: Where does The Undertaker get his coat?
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What is Undertaker's alternate attire for Smackdown vs Raw 2006?

Its undertaker in his coat and hat.

Is there any way to get a trench coat that resembles the one that the Undertaker wears?

Of course there is your wearing it right now silly.

Did Undertaker burn his chest?

yes recently when he was coming out at the Elimination Chamber his coat caught on fire he suffered 1st and 2nd degree burns.

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brian lee played the other undertaker in undertaker vs undertaker match

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Yea, undertaker is the same person as the masked undertaker! Same person!

There was a match undertaker vs undertaker why does every one say that there is only one?

It was Undertaker vs Imposter Undertaker.

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it was Brian Lee that played the fake undertaker, but he not related in anyway to the Undertaker in real life. September 16, 2008 Kane has never played the Undertaker. The fake undertaker was brian lee not Kane

Who is stronger Michael Myers or undertaker?

If it is The Undertaker as in wrestling, Michael Myers is stronger. If it is The Undertaker as in Black Butler, then The Undertaker is stronger.

Who won undertaker or undertaker 2?

real undertaker won because nobody can defeat undertaker. he can even beat his soul!