It is there uniform
Because they like to
which wrestler wears a mask
wrestlers. They wear the earguards to protect themselves from cauloflower ear; which is a severe fungal growth on your ear from rubbing up against things, and wear singlets so their opponent has nothing to grab on to, to gain an advantage for a better throw
a cop uniform
Two types: Uniform: it is mandatory that you wear the uniform that the school has provided, and no changes to it. Non-Uniform: You can wear what you like, aslong as it isn't offensive, rude or in-appropriate you can wear it.
No, PhD's don't have to wear a uniform, but if you wan to wear a doctors uniform and a white coat or something your more than welcome to.
No you do not have to wear a uniform at MS181.
nope, it is not required to wear uniform.
wear a white uniform
The US President is a CIVILIAN and does not wear a uniform
Kids should not wear a uniform because they get dirty too fast.