Being pinned in wrestling is when the opponent gets both of your shoulders on the mat (and holds it). The match is then over and the opponent wins the entire match (even if you have more points then him/her).
of Pin
No He lost because one of Kane's arms was on edge when edge also pinned Kane so the referee handed Kane the title
A bib.
Getting pinned in softball means to get pinned up in the fence by the other team.
The past tense of "pin" is "pinned."
pinned [to pin, have pinned]
She pinned the flower to his lapel. They pinned the dress up to allow her to walk through the grass without getting stains on it.
The buffer is in used is called as pinned buffer
My mother had pinned my dress after it had being ripped
To "tap out" means to give up or concede at something, usually the lame way to lose or the cowards way out. From wrestling if a wrestler taps out, he's conceding the match for some reason without being pinned.