The school with the most students to turn pro is Ohio Vally Wrestling (OVW)
pro wrestling
Pentucket Regional High School
There are many wrestling schools available in North Carolina. Some examples are Ivan Koloff Wrestling school in Charlotte and ICW Pro-Wrestling school in Marc Arsh Wilmington.
There is a pro wrestling school in Warsaw, Poland
MFW Pro Wrestling Training School Located in Jalandhar City, Punjab
No such thing you must be 18 years old to enter a pro wrestling school
Their's not really a pro wrestling school accept the training school down in Orlando, Florida. And that's the NXT school. So always start in high school or college.
Local to where? Any way, they go to their nearest wrestling school.
Texas Wrestling Academy in San Antonio, Tx
You have to first train in some martial art wrestling karate etc then go to a pro wrestling school and learn how to do the moves right