Many, many types of Martial Arts use "bo staffs", but they are not necessarily called that. For example, the staff used in kung fu is called a "guen" in Chinese.
Many martial arts tournaments include a weapons division for kata. Look for bo or staff on the schedule. Most require you to provide a waiver against injury, your level in the martial arts and your school.
Any weapon used in combat is a martial arts weapon. Many of the 'traditional' martial arts weapons originated in China and in Okinawa. They include the bo, the tonfa, sai, staff, multi section staff, chain, darts, shiriken, nunchuku, and tessen.
There are many martial arts that use the bo. Kungfu and kobudo are two of them.
There are a number of sticks used in martial arts. The bo, or staff is about 6 feet long. The jo is about 4 feet long. There are longer and shorter ones used in various arts, including escrima.
"Sticks" in martial arts come in different sizes, shapes, etc. A common one is called the "bo staff" in TKD.
{| |- | Many martial arts use the staff. It was a common implement in the Orient used to carry heavy burdens. It was easily available and an effective weapons. Many styles of kobudo, usually found at a karate studio, start off teaching the Bo or staff. Many of the Chinese arts teach it as well. Study away! Flexibility is an asset in martial arts. |}
Tae Bo
Tae Bo is a type of aerobic exercise that builds muscle tone and stamina. It is not a martial art, just based on martial arts. They don't rank people. It would be like asking if you can get a black belt in step aerobics.
Most empty handed martial arts started when the people of the orient were disarmed by the government. They started using sword techniques that they had learned, but with bare hands. Most of the weaponry actually originated as farming tools used as weapons; such as the sai, the kama, and the bo.
press the space button and jump
Bojutsu is the art/technique (jutsu) of the long staff (bo). It can be studied as a part of a wider martial cursus (as in certain schools of jujutsu and kenjutsu, or karate) or independantly. The usually admitted length of a bo is from 1.60 m to 2.80 m. A shorter staff would be a Jo (or Jyo), a longer would be considered as a training Yari (spear).
A cudgel is a type of club. a Bo staff is longer A cudgel is used for like beatings, a crowbar,baton, a club, its all a cudgel while a bo staff is like a long stick with technique to it (from what i remember) Then there's the Shaolincudgel which is still a bo-staff