

Should fake wrestling be allowed on TV?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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14y ago

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If the fake Wrestling you are refering to is pro wrestling then the answer is yes. Pro wrestling generates a large audience, just ask USA as they televise WWE Raw. People love watching pro wrestling because it is athletic theater. I'll tell you what should be allowed on TV: Poker! Why the HECK are poker tournaments broadcasted on TV?! Well that is my opinion...

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What are opinions on whether professional wrestling should be real or fake?

Most of the wrestling that you see on TV, namely WWE, is fake. That's why it's called World Wrestling Entertainment. There are writers that come up with the matches, the results, and side stories.

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Yes sir it is fake But there might be fights that are not fake. Ones that aren't advertised on TV before it comes. NO THERE ARE ALL FAKE There is a difference between scripted and fake, the storyline is scripted the actual wrestling moves are real and they do hurt. They are trained to do the moves with the least amount of injuries.

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It's all scripted. I still wouldn't call it fake. The pain is real, and it takes a lot to be a wrestler. Wrestling is as fake as everything else you can watch on TV. For instance a movie. A movie is (usually) not a true story; it's made up, but you still watch it, don't you? Wrestling is an entertainment, in fact the best entertainment ever made, but that doesn't mean you should call it fake.

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Television wrestling is viewed because some people find entertainment in watching the carefully scripted violence. It should be noted that the intended audience for television wrestling is pre-teen, teen, and young men who are yet unable to mature beyond puberty also Americans are Gullable!

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If you mean the stuff they show on TV Yes a lot of it should be taken with a sense of humour. However there is also real wrestling as done in the Olympic games.

How many people out of ten believe that wrestling is fake?

wrestling can be about 50% to 80% fake determining what kind! If it's a circuit or local wrestling chances are they're really injuring each other, but smackdown and raw wrestling (TV viewed) have scripts to make there show more interesting! As with any organized wrestling sport (exept school wrestling) the winner is pre determined to insure the two people fighting don't seriously injure each other trying to win. So yes I think TV wrestling is fake in most way's but in TV wrestling and local circuit wrestling, they are trained to make sure there moves don't break bones! They have loads of practice perfecting there tricks so that they don't screw up and put someone in a wheelchair for the rest of there life. There is always realism in wrestling even if it's just 2 kids pretending to wrestle outside, there will always be moments when someone actually hits one another!

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If a wrestler gets arrested on TV during a wrestling program most likely it's fake.

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Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV was created on 2003-08-03.

Why do people find wrestling so good when it is so fake?

Just because something is fake does not make it bad. There are hundreds of fictional shows on TV that people enjoy watching. Its like kids at a magic show ... magic is just an allousion.

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