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I can tell you that the middle of the for-arm on the top surface between the two muscles will jolt and temporarily paralyze the wrist. A direct hit to the side of the wrist will also force the hand to release what it is holding. One more pressure point is the rear of the upper arm just above the elbow.

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Q: Is there a pressure point that makes someone weak. If not one that makes someone sleep or temp. paralyze arm?
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How do you pinch somebody pressure point?

To pinch someone's pressure point, find their pressure point. From there, pinch it with your thumb and pointer finger. You can also just apply strong pressure to it.

Where is the pressure point on your back that makes you faint?

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Proabably so on a certain pressure point linked to the bladder.

Can you kill someone pushing on the pressure point in the wrist?

Applying pressure to the wrist alone is unlikely to kill someone. However, extreme force or techniques applied to pressure points can potentially cause pain, injury, or loss of consciousness. It is not recommended to use such techniques outside of trained and controlled environments.

Can you kill someone by pushing on the pressure point in the wrist?

No, it is not possible to kill someone by pushing on the pressure point in the wrist. Pressure points can cause pain or discomfort, but they cannot cause fatal harm.

How do you knock someone out with a pressure point in the head?

You strike the pressure point. In order to find out how to strike and where to strike, you need to seek out a qualified instructor.

Where is the pressure point to make someone pee?

I have been told u can make sum1 pee its a pressure point on their back ( i a not really shore where srry ={}

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There is no specific pressure point that can make you fart. Flatulence is typically caused by the natural digestion process in the gastrointestinal tract. Pressure applied to the abdominal area may stimulate the release of gas that is already present in the digestive system.

What pressure point makes your arm numb?

the so called funny bone

How can someone knock you out with a pressure point attack?

This is a myth. You cannot knock someone out with attacks to the pressure points. You can however, seriously, wind someone, semi paralyse someone and cause internal organ damage.

How do you make somebody fall asleep by grabbing there thumb?

You cannot make someone fall asleep with pressure points. You may be able to knock someone out with a pressure point but that is not the reason to even try to use them.

Why does boiling point rises with the rise of pressure?

Boiling point rises with increasing pressure because higher pressure compresses the gas phase and makes it more difficult for the liquid to vaporize. This requires the liquid to reach a higher temperature before it can overcome the increased pressure and boil.