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No, it is not possible to make someone pee by pushing a pressure point. The act of urination is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, specifically the parasympathetic nervous system, which is not directly influenced by external pressure points. Urination is a complex process involving signals from the brain to the bladder muscles and sphincters, and cannot be triggered solely by applying pressure to a specific point on the body.

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βˆ™ 1mo ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Proabably so on a certain pressure point linked to the bladder.

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Q: Can you make someone pee by pushing a pressure point?
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What is a threaded piston?

a piston that uses a thread to create pressure. think of a bike pump, instead of pushing down on the handle, you twist it. this will make it easier at higher pressures rather than trying to use brute strength to push the pump down.

How do you make your pressure point someone has hit hard stop hurting?

The pressure points are #1. Temple #2.The nose #3.Under The Ear Lobe #4.Side of Neck #5Under the jaw Those are some of the pressure points. If you hit them right, it will work. This is a very short list. If you would like to know a complete list of where, and how to hit, refer to a Dim Mok guide. Basic hits can be preformed with an open hand or closed hand. Also, using pressure points is an extremely risky way to fight. If you hit the right place with the right amount of pressure, you can seriously injure, paralyze, or kill someone.

When installing new ignition switch 1993 ford bronco I cannot get key to release?

make sure you put the switch in right side up and made sure you are pushing in the release button on the steering coloum -left side and make sure there is no pressure on the steering wheel from the steering box, hope this helps

How do you throw a shuriken?

Pretty much like you throw anything. The trick with the stick shuriken is to learn how to make it land with the point first, much the same way as throwing a knife. Circular or flat shuriken are designed to have a point forward making it easier to 'stick' into someone.

Where do volcanoes most commonly happen?

cracks in the plates which make up the crust. the earths crust is not connected. its made up of plates that moves and they are formed by plates pushing together then collapsing. they erupt when it gets a lot of friction from the plates pushing together

Related questions

Where is the pressure point to make someone pee?

I have been told u can make sum1 pee its a pressure point on their back ( i a not really shore where srry ={}

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You cannot make someone fall asleep with pressure points. You may be able to knock someone out with a pressure point but that is not the reason to even try to use them.

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There are many ways to make a working model of pressure. One way is to show feet pushing down on a can.

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A force that is the result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area, that is air pressure.

What pressure point do you use to make someone pass out?

all you have to do is make somebody open ther leg hit the side of ther leg then hi them on ther neak and ther eyes will start to close than hit themunder the are and keep pushing itul thay fall to sleep only yous to fanger to do this warning:do not do this to your mom are dad you will be grounded

How do you make someone pee with a pressure point?

From the little I know, there are two pressure points connected to the bladder: The kidneys and the base of the spine. The trick is to get just the right amount of force, but be careful: hitting the kidneys too hard could seriously injure someone!!

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Yes, blood pressure medication can make someone sick. If the person finds that they are allergic to it, or that their dosage is too high, it can make them ill.

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As atmospheric pressure decreases, the boiling point of water also decreases. This is because lower pressure reduces the force pushing down on the water's surface, allowing water molecules to escape as vapor more easily, thus requiring less energy (lower temperature) to reach the boiling point.

How do you make someone faint with a pressure point with no pain?

You either hit the point with the appropriate amount of force. Knowing where the pressure points are and how to attack them is something only taught to experienced martial artists. Without the appropriate knowledge, it is very easy to hurt someone very badly with results that neither party will be happy about.hit them on the base of the neck on both sides or bite them in the back of the neck hard for 10 seconds

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i had this question for siecnce its tricky but ismple when u think about it heres some:- Brakes on a bike- Pulling a light cord- A drawing pin- A door handel- Pulling/pushing a door handel- Pushing a door to close it- TV swtich to turn it on- Pressure on a pen to make it write on the paper- Pressure on a ball to make it bounce- A peg on a washing line u put pressure on it to make it open and place washing on the line

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There is no specific pressure point that can make you fart. Flatulence is typically caused by the natural digestion process in the gastrointestinal tract. Pressure applied to the abdominal area may stimulate the release of gas that is already present in the digestive system.

What does pressure point massage mean?

it means they will massage your pressure points in your body or neck to make you feel relaxed