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Q: What happens if the ball leaves the field of play in football?
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Related questions

What is a ball thrown across a football field an example of?

A ball thrown across a football field is an example of a projectile.

Where do they measure the football field?

on the foot ball field

A ball thrown across a football field is what?


What runs a round a football field but never moves?

The out of bounds line runs around a football field but never moves.

What is a runningback in football?

Dude...He is in the "back" field and he "runs" the ball....not complicated....

How do you player of football player?

The goal of football is to move the ball down the field and into the end zone for a touchdown.

How do leave your soccer ball on the ground in the football field in Club Penguin?

to have your ball on your hand and then star dancing

Can a football player that steps out of bounds still field the ball?

no, in fact they have a penalty for that

How many pingpong balls can fit on a football field?

There is no rubber in a soccer ball

When is a push in awarded in field hockey?

Whenever the ball leaves the sides of the pitch. If the ball leaves the ends of the pitch it will either be a 16 yard hit or a long corner.

When is a throw-in awarded in soccer?

When the ball leaves the field of play completely surpassing the sideline.

What does a long snapper do in football?

A long snapper snaps the ball for a field goal or punt.