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Clean New Autographed BasbeallWhen a Baseball is signed by a player(s) the collectible is the signature not the baseball. The baseball is an item to display the signature. A clean white baseball is most preferred to display the signature.

A "game used" ball is a collectible and will vary in value depending on the historic value of the game if any. Added value as a "game used "ball would be in the ability to prove so. A "Game used" baseball would have to be accompanied with provenance, and the quality of the provenance will dictate the added value. A letter from a player, team, or League official would be acceptable. A letter from a fan at the game would not hold much weight if any. Without provenance the added value will rely on the buyers belief in the story. In most cases a "game Used baseball will lower the value of the signature based on condition.

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Q: What is worth more- a game used autographed baseball or a un-game-used autographed ball?
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