Super Rookie was created on 2005-03-23.
Super Rookie ended on 2005-05-26.
Super Rookie is a TitleA Rookie card is the players first year of cards, whether or not it is his rookie season. Players may have one or dozens of rookie cards, depending on how highly touted he was as a youngster and in which year his rookie card was issued."Super Rookie" is the name or title of a set or, series within a set, such as "Rated Rookies", or within the 1994 Score Rookie/Traded set, cards are titled "Super Rookie"
Super Rookie is a TitleA Rookie card is the players first year of cards, whether or not it is his rookie season. Players may have one or dozens of rookie cards, depending on how highly touted he was as a youngster and in which year his rookie card was issued."Super Rookie" is the name or title of a set or, series within a set, such as "Rated Rookies", or within the 1994 Score Rookie/Traded set, cards are titled "Super Rookie"
No, because no rookie quarterback has been to the super bowl.
Super Dash Novel Rookie of the Year Award was created in 2001.
No rookie quarterback has ever started in a Super Bowl game.
Christian Beadles is super super super super sexy and hot! xx <3
Through Super Bowl XLIII, no.
No rookie Quarterback has ever competed in the Superr bowl as a starter.