In a word, nothing. It's a replica. Replicas of this card have been printed time and time again. But, then again, it's worth whatever you can get someone to pay for it. The guy above me is right, but if someone just wants a Honus Wagner baseball card real or fake they might buy it. Even though it is worth about nothing. So I would say that the cost is probably somewhere between $0.02 - $1.00
Brian Seigel bought a Honus Wagner card in 2000 for $1,265,000 and sold it in February, 2007, for $2,350,000.AnswerActually, Honus Wagner is not the most valuable baseball card because a few weeks ago ( right now it's December 19 2007 ) a family found an authentic Babe Ruth rookie card, and I am not talking about the ones on eBay that ARE fake. The family sold the Babe Ruth rookie card for $3,000,000.
you have to have the real one and see if its fake or not
Way to fake for my liking!
If the card looks like it is in such good shape it is probably a fake.
Yes you can have a holo fake card. ive had an ultra cure mermaid that was fake but i ripped it :)
Fake credit card numbers are illegal. If you get caught using fake credit card numbers, you could go to jail.
If you have a card called "Exodia the Dark Master", then it is a fake. There is no authentic card with that name.
its worth $1000000
In my opinion, I don't think Katie is a fake.