In a word, nothing. It's a replica. Replicas of this card have been printed time and time again. But, then again, it's worth whatever you can get someone to pay for it.
The guy above me is right, but if someone just wants a Honus Wagner Baseball card real or fake they might buy it. Even though it is worth about nothing. So I would say that the cost is probably somewhere between $0.02 - $1.00
The famous "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner" baseball card sold for $2.8 million in 2007. Wayne Gretzky and Bruce McNall bought the T206 Honus Wagner card in 1991 for $451,000., and sold it for $500,000. in 1995. Other T206 Honus Wagner cards have recently sold in the $200,000. -$400,000. price range. == ==In 2008 John Rogers of Arkansas purchased a Wagner card in PSA 5 Excellent condition for in excess of 1,600,000. The card has since traded hands
A 1976 Topps Honus Wagner card number 344 has a book value of about $5.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.
Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
The t206 honus Wagner card is worth around 1,250,000$ and its almost impossible to find. These cards were tucked in cigarette packs.
The Honus Wagner T206 Piedmont tobacco card is considered to be Wagner's rookie card. However a one-of-a-kind card manufactured by Louisville resident Henry Ruccius to promote the "Hans Wagner 10-cent Cigars was discovered recently and is considered by some to be Wagner's true rookie card. The famous "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner" baseball card sold for $2.8 million in 2007. Wayne Gretzky and Bruce McNall bought the T206 Honus Wagner card in 1991 for $451,000., and sold it for $500,000. in 1995. Other T206 Honus Wagner cards have recently sold in the $200,000. -$400,000. price range. The "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner" card most likely has a higher value because of it's past owner
A Honus Wagner tobacco card in perfect condition sold for $2.8 million dollars in 2007. The price range is around $200,000 to $400,000 though. I hope that helped!
I never heard of Hughie Wagner. Are you sure it's not Honus Wagner. If so, it could be worth hundreds of dollars.
A carlos Delgado rookie card or his catcher card
A "Fake" Honus Wagner T206 baseball card will have no collectors value, and would be a crime to sell it as such. An authorized reprint of the T-206 Honus Wagner card (reprint printed on back of card) sells for about $3.-$5. each.
Rafael palmeiro
The famous "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner" baseball card sold for $2.8 million in September of 2007. This was the highest price paid for the card. The name of the collector that bought the card was kept private. Wayne Gretzky and Bruce McNall bought the T206 Honus Wagner card in 1991 for $451,000., and sold it for $500,000. in 1995. Other T206 Honus Wagner cards have recently sold in the $200,000. -$400,000. price range.
The famous "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner" baseball card sold for $2.8 million in September of 2007. This was the highest price paid for the card. Wayne Gretzky and Bruce McNall bought the T206 Honus Wagner card in 1991 for $451,000., and sold it for $500,000. in 1995. At the time there were fewer known examples of the card. The "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner baseball card" most likely has a higher value because of it's past owner, and I would not include the value of this card with the rest of the T206 Honus Wagner cards on the market. Other T206 Honus Wagner cards have recently sold in the $200,000. -$400,000. price range. A 1914 Babe Ruth rookie baseball card, just the tenth card of its kind to be discovered sold at auction on May 5, 2008 for the price of $517,000. The card was produced by the Baltimore Sun Newspaper. In an auction held in 2007 the Babe Ruth Baltimore News card sold for $200,000. I would put the famous "Gretzky T206 Honus Wagner" baseball card alone at the top as the most valuable, and the 1914 Babe Ruth rookie baseball card second with the "other" T206 Honus Wagner cards a close third.
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