It's free if you meet him yourself and ask him to sign it for you. Other than that, it depends who's selling it to you, from cousin to complete stranger (Obviously the stranger would charge much more). YOUR WELCOME.
The value is 5,000$ lebron himself is 2,000
at 6
MAN HE IS LEBRON JAMES, he got a boss shooting percentage and has a boss ball handleing skill. So he never did smoke a single thing.
Is favored to Jordan but LeBron said he is not trying to be the next Jordan he is trying to be the Best in what he does and that's playing B-Ball.
Lebron James did not play college basketball. he went from High School to the NBA.
im guessin not many cuz of all that ball hoggin
depends who signed it
LeBron received an 870 SAT score out of 1600 when he took the test. Believe me, that's not bad for all the ball he plays.