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Baseballs start off pretty much white, but before being used the umpires rub the balls with a special mud fron New Jersey which changes the color to off-white.

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What happened to the baseballs that touch the playing field?

In the MLB the baseballs that the umpire receives are tossed off to the bat boy and the home team (since they are supplying the baseballs) will usually sell them in their clubhouse or fan store.

Why do baseballs yellow?

None of the baseballs are yellow, and they never will

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What does MLB do with used baseballs?

Used baseballs are either thoroughly cleansed to be used in other games, used in batting practice, or recycled to make new baseballs.

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Then there will be 1000 baseballs that will hit the ground.

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What happened when 1000 baseballs fell from an airplane?

Then there will be 1000 baseballs that will hit the ground.

What do bat during a day?

Well usually I bat baseballs, but sometimes adoring fans and the IRS need to be batted off too.

What do umpires rub on the balls before each game?

Mud to take the baseball's shine off of it because new baseballs are slippery.

No What are facts about White Soxs?

they go in the washing machine and are used on your feet daily. They usually dont hit baseballs unless there feeling stupid that day.

What feels the strongest pull of attraction toward the earth and why. A box containing 10 baseballs or a box containing 15 baseballs?

I'd have to say 15 baseballs.:)

How many Baseballs are made a day?

There are about 2 million baseballs made each year by the Rawlings company. This means that there are about 5,480 baseballs made each day.