Used baseballs are either thoroughly cleansed to be used in other games, used in batting practice, or recycled to make new baseballs.
There are no "used" Baseball. They are reused untell they are fouled off or hit over the fence and a fan gets it.
It varies from season to season.
Rawlings has the MLB contract to produce their baseballs. Their manufacturing takes place in Costa Rica and the balls are stitched by hand by factory workers.
In a way baseballs are recycled in the MLB because when a baseball gets dirt on it the umpire throws it to the bat boy who places it in a bucket of baseballs which are going to be used for next games batting practice.
A cork core in a baseball was first used in 1910.i think that having cork in a bat in the mlb is a illeagl by mlb rules
The only factory authorized by MLB to make their baseballs is one owned by the Rawlings Sporting Goods Company in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Rawlings has the contract to supply MLB with baseballs through 2013.
Costa Rica. 80,000 dozen MLB baseballs are produced each year.
Official league balls are used in all major league games, regular season and playoffs. Baseballs used in the playoffs and World Series have special imprints on them to designate the event(s).