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None of the baseballs are yellow, and they never will

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Q: Why do baseballs yellow?
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Are baseballs made in haiti worth less?

Baseballs that are made in Hati are not worth less, but there is a problem with some that could lower the value. American League aseballs made in Hati between 1984 and 1990 were made without the use of distilled water, thus, allowing for enzymes to potentially turn the color of the ball over time. You will usually notice yellow/brown soiling on these baseballs due to the flaw in production.

What happened when 1000 baseballs fell from an airplane?

Then there will be 1000 baseballs that will hit the ground.

How many baseballs fit into a 3x5x7 space?

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What Happen when 1000 baseballs fell an airplane?

Then there will be 1000 baseballs that will hit the ground.

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I'd have to say 15 baseballs.:)

How many Baseballs are made a day?

There are about 2 million baseballs made each year by the Rawlings company. This means that there are about 5,480 baseballs made each day.

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Who made the firs baseballs?

Joseph H. Shockley made the first baseballs in New York.

Are baseballs recycled?

In a way baseballs are recycled in the MLB because when a baseball gets dirt on it the umpire throws it to the bat boy who places it in a bucket of baseballs which are going to be used for next games batting practice.

What do the plaers do in baseball?

run jump and play on bases catch baseballs hit baseballs win and loose

How many baseballs fit in a five gallon bucket?

19 baseballs fit in a five gallon bucket

Where were baseballs made before Costa Rica?

Before 1990, the major league baseballs were made in Haiti.