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According to the laws of Physics as we currently know them, it is not possible to sail any closer to the wind than 45 degrees. That leaves a 90 degree window altogether. If indeed, "East" is 90 degrees on your compass (like all the rest in our world), you will not be able to sail toward the wind, from 45 degrees to 135 degrees on your compass. All other courses are available.

Point of order, though: Technically speaking, a sail is a vertical wing & the wind flows around the sail, foiling, and actually PULLS boat along. This makes for a great trick question; "Does the wind push or pull a boat?".

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Q: Where would the boat go of Wind is blowing from the east toward the west the wind pushes the sails of a boat and which direction does the boat move?
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How did ancients go upriver in a boat?

They would use sails when the wind is blowing the ideal direction.

How do boat sails work?

Very simply, by using the wind as a form of propulsion by the use of sails. Either the wind 'pushes' the vessel or it 'pulls' it through the water.

Is a sailing boat is powered by the wind?

Most of the time. Some are powered by motors, but all of them have the sails (different numbers for different kinds of ships). The wind catches in the sails and moves the boat. Depending on the angle of the sail, the ship can move in almost any direction. Though it is easiest when the wind is right behind the boat. When the wind is blowing in the opposite direction you want to go, then there is a technique that you can use called "tacking".

How do they move a boat with only wind power?

The wind power pushes the boat with the different sails that can be changed by the direction of the wind and with the help of the rudder or even shifting body weight. Normally a zig zag route maneuvers helps in pushing the boat forward.

How does air help to make a sailboat move?

The wind blowing past the sails creates a force that pulls the boat along.

What pulley raises sails on boats?

A pulley doesn't raise or hoist sails. A pulley is just a wheel that eases a change in direction of a rope. It is a rope that hoists or raises sails. A rope for this purpose is called a Halyard.

How many sails on Noahs ark?

Probably there were no sails on Noah's ark because the ark was built solely for withstanding the world flood, not for going in a certain direction.

What modes of transportations were used to trade goods in Egypt?

This Nile River was the only suitable means for trasport of anything. It took far less time with the winds blowing the sails in the appropriate direction and/or paddling then hoofing it, especially during the time before Egypt had camels or horses.

How do sails and the wind move a boat?

The wind hitting the sail at an angle upwind pushes it sideways which is why you zigzag. Downwind wind hit sail straight on

Did the invention of triangular lateen sails make it possible for ships to sail more easily into the wind?

Allegedly, the lateen sail design made it possible to sail closer into the wind. That is, less than 45 degrees from the direction the wind is blowing. No sail boat can sail directly into the wind. Yet.

How many miles does a ship go an hour?

It depends on the weight of the shift, the direction and strength of the ocean currents, the direction and strength of the wind, and the size of the masts/sails.

What is sail trim?

Sail trim is the adjustment of the sails in relationship to the wind direction. If the sails are too far out and are luffing, one would say, "Trim in the saisl". If the sails are pulled in too tight, one would say, "Ease the sheets". The rule in trimming any sail is to easy it out till it starts to luff, and then trim it back in just enough till it stops luffing. Following this one simple rule, and you'll look like an old salt. The only time this rule doesn't apply is when the sails are trimmed all the way in and the sails are still luffing. This means you have headed the boat too far into the wind direction and you must turn boat away from the wind direction. Good luck!