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Most of the time. Some are powered by motors, but all of them have the sails (different numbers for different kinds of ships). The wind catches in the sails and moves the boat. Depending on the angle of the sail, the ship can move in almost any direction. Though it is easiest when the wind is right behind the boat. When the wind is blowing in the opposite direction you want to go, then there is a technique that you can use called "tacking".

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Q: Is a sailing boat is powered by the wind?
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What is the sailing boat powered by the wind?


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Vasco Da Gama's ship was powered by the wind, it was a sailing boat.

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a boat a sail and the wind

What is sailing?

Sailing is a sport that requires the changing of the rigging and rudder on a boat to change the direction and speed of the boat. The boat is moved by wind against the sails.

How does a boat sail into the wind?

A boat can sail into the wind by sailing backwards and forwards (tacking) at an angle to the wind and so making her way up.

What are wind powered vehicles and what do they need to work?

Well. A wind powered vehicle is a vehicle that is powered by the wind obviously. An example of a wind powered machine would be a sail boat, a kite perhaps, or a hang glider.

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The answer is: We love the wind, we love the sun, sailing a boat, is yachts of fun

The point of sailing when the wind is over the side of your boat?

The best point of sailing is 45 degrees to the wind. If the wind was over the beam you would have to take a port or starboard tack to it.

How Does a Boat Sail Upwind?

A sailing boat can not sail directly upwind, sail at about 45 degrees to the wind and tack (turn the boat through the wind) to the other side of the wind and continue in this zig-zag manner up wind.

Why does a boat need a mast?

It only does if it is wind powered & has a sail(s)

The term sailing ship refers to what kind of vessel?

A sailing ship is referred to nowadays as any large wind-powered vessel. Generally you will find that these ships are completely powered by a series of masts and sales.