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The wind power pushes the boat with the different sails that can be changed by the direction of the wind and with the help of the rudder or even shifting body weight.

Normally a zig zag route maneuvers helps in pushing the boat forward.

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Q: How do they move a boat with only wind power?
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How much wind is needed to sail?

A little wind can move a boat depending on the size and weight of the boat.

What can power a boat?

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What needs wind to make the object work?

Wind turbines rely on wind to generate electricity by spinning the turbine blades, which turns a generator to produce power. Sailboats use wind to propel them forward by filling their sails with wind to catch the energy and move the boat. Wind instruments, like wind chimes, produce sound when the wind causes them to move and create vibrations.

What things need wind to move like wind mills?

Sails on a boat, wind turbines, kites, and windsocks are examples of objects that need wind to move like windmills.

What kind of energy the propeling a sail boat?

Wind power

What is a source of energy for a sail boat to move?

Kinetic energy in the wind and water.

Does a sail make the boat move slower or faster?

Actually, it does both depending on how you use them. The sails can move so a person sailing a boat can catch the wind by how they move the sail or they can also stop the boat by the movement of a sail or lowering the sail.

How do sails and the wind move a boat?

The wind hitting the sail at an angle upwind pushes it sideways which is why you zigzag. Downwind wind hit sail straight on

How can a boat move without us pushing pulling or touching it?

wind or moving water

What discovery did Columbus make about wind?

He learned the winds make the boat move straight.

What is thd source of energy for a sail boat to move?

Kinetic energy in the wind and water.

What is air wind power?

Air or Wind power is any thing using this for movement , a Wind mill uses wind power to move large sails to convert to mechanical power to grind grain.