Often on the 'poop' deck. Though it can often be elsewhere. Aft in the cockpit for instance.
Because in sailing ships, that section would contain the tiller, which connected the ships wheel to the rudder and steered the vessel.
The captain and crew, wheel, keel, hull, deck, masts, sails, anchors, cannons, signalling flags, and rigging are all very important parts of 'an old sailing ship'.
no sailing is required
It is called the trucks
On Sailing ships of old. The "Gun Deck" (Cannons) was the deck just below the top deck. The Cannons were faced out of the side of a ship through port holes called "Gun ports."
Titanic's pool was located down on F deck. Altho the Adriatic was the first vessel of all to have any swimming pool, the Olympic-Class vessels had the first heated swimming pool for any sailing vessel.
In the past, the quarterdeck of a standard sailing ship is located behind the ship's main mast. The quarterdeck is used as a ceremonial area of the ship. Nowadays this deck is used as a stern and holds secondary weapons or seaplane catapults
There is no convention for it nowadays but it used to be the medical deck on a man'o'war to disguise the blood on the deck
They both use a deck.
Christopher Columbus used the type of sailing vessel called a caravel. Caravels were a common sailing ship built in the 15th and 16th centuries. They were small ships with a broad bow, a high narrow poop deck, and usually had three masts.