The captain and crew, wheel, keel, hull, deck, masts, sails, anchors, cannons, signalling flags, and rigging are all very important parts of 'an old sailing ship'.
A Galleon
When an old sailing ship was becalmed the crew had to break out the ships boats and row, towing the ship. As oars were often made of ash this is sailing by ash breeze
Bark, clipper, brig.
The deceased is on his/her way to heaven
Answer:They're called Junks
The bow. Or perhaps the bowsprit.
Sails. It's a square-rigged sailing ship.
Heavy Weather Sailing: Sailing under shortened sail.Sailing Under.Could also refer to Sailing under a certain flag depending on what country controled the waters you were entering so your ship would not be stopped and inspected.Hope This Helps.
On the sailing ships, a pall was a heavy canvas cloth covering, sometimes coated with tar to make it waterproof.
Actually it's Will Turner anyway I think he was around 10
This is an old sailing term. If you knew your ropes, you knew which rope on a sailing ship would do which task, and you were a good and experienced sailor. Nowadays, you say that any experienced person "knows the ropes."